Brothers and Sisters,
On September 9th the Tentative Agreement for the AMT & Related work groups of TWU Locals 576, 574, 572 and 570 was rejected by the membership. Your participation and voice was heard by 97% of us voting NO! Arbitration is the next step of this Amendment process.
A meeting with the Presidents of Locals 576, 574, 572 and 570 was productive and 5 items have been selected to take forward to arbitration. Those 5 items will be exchanged with the company soon and once they have been they will be posted.
Our Arbitration hearing dates are set for October 3rd through October 7th of 2016 with the company.
I shall be meeting with the company on September 19th for the Envoy/TWU/CWA Quarterly Report meeting discussing Envoy’s operation and future. Also September 26th I will be attending the Envoy Health Benefit review meeting discussing the changes to our health care in 2017.
As per Article III of TWU Local 576 By-Laws we have chosen to move the Local’s quarterly station meetings to the month of October. We believe it would be in our best interest for us to gather all the information on the arbitration hearing, health care changes and Envoy’s operation and future then update you with the facts of those meetings.
The Run-off election for Board Member at Large is ending September 22nd at noon central time. We have 2 candidates with good qualities and look forward to completing our Executive Board with the winner of your choice. So please vote, YOUR VOTE MATTER’S.
As always keep on doing what we do best. The performance and dependability of our members speak clearly that each member of Local 576 is of great value to Envoy Air.
Again thanks from,
TWU Local 576 Executive Board
Tim, Layne, Alan, Joseph, Todd